A short gallery of shrubs that will let you know that Spring is on the way. These plants generally bloom as early as January and no later than March. These plants thrive in cooler temperatures - they will be unaffected by frost or a late snow.
Fashion Azalea - (azalea x fashion) zone 6-9 grows up to 4 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Makes a good privacy hedge. Needs water weekly, moreso in the heat of summer.
April Snow Camellia - (camellia japonica) zone 5-9 grows in full sun to partial shade up to 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. Very cold hearty - northernmost growing of the Camellia family.
Nanking Cherry - (prunus tomentosa) zone 3-7 grown in full sun to partial shade to at least 6 feet. Edible berries in summer follow spring flowers.
White Forsythia - ( abeliophyllum distichum) zone 2-7 Grows in full sun to part shade up to 6 feet tall and wide. Flowers earlier than true (yellow) forsythia. Can be pruned aggressively - up to one third of the plant - to keep size smaller.
Fragrant Viburnum - (viburnum farreri ) zone 5-8 Grows in full sun or part shade and can grow quite large. Grows quite well in clay soils and has attractive foliage in the fall.
Flowering Quince - ( chaenomeles x superba) zone 5- 8 full sun to part shade and can grow up to 6feet tall & wide. Several varieties to choose from - flowers can be orange, red or pink.
Golden Currant - (ribes odoratum) zone 3-8 Grows in full sun to part shade. Can grow4 to 6 feet tall and is a drought tolerant plant.